드레익스 Ecru unicorn 스카프 - 1회 착용 후 보관만 함 - 드레익스 공홈 직구 - 100% 실크 - 50cm x 150cm - 참조 : https://www.drakes.com/en-kr/products/ecru-unicorn-print-tubular-silk-tasselled-scarf Ecru Unicorn Print Tubular Silk Tasselled Scarf Printed scarves were the first things that Drake's produced back in the late 1970s, and we continue to make them to this day. This scarf features an archival Drake's design, made and printed on pure silk by experts in Como, Italy. Composed with tasselled fringed ends and a signature motif, this scar... www.drakes.com 가격 : 30만원 / 택배, 서울 직거래
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