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새 상품은 어떠세요?


상품 정보

-장르별로 리스트 정리해서 올렸습니다 필요한 음반 채팅으로 가격제시해주세요~ 적정가에서 맞춰드려요 여러장 구매시 절충해드립니다 직거래는 인천 갈산역인근 택배거래시 4천원추가- -R&B, Soul, Pop- Lauryn Hill - The miseducation of Lauryn Hill/ MTV unplugged 2.0 Fugees - The score Usher - Confession Luther Vandross- Dance with my father Javier - Javier Joe - better days K-ci & Jojo - It’s real Brown Sugar - Music from the motion picture soundtrack T-pain - Epiphany Ruben studdard - Soulful Musiq - Aijuswanasing/ Soulstar Floetry - flo’ology Stevie Wonder - Conversation Peace/ Innervisions Eric Benet - Love&Life / a day in the life Anthony Hamilton - ain’t nobody worryin’ / Comin’ from where I’m from Maxwell - Urban hang suit Eric clapton - Chronicles the best of Eric Clapton Avant - Director R.kelly - Happy peole/u saved me / TP.3 reloaded / the R. In R&B greatest hits collection volume1 Joe cocker - Organic Marvin Gaye - What’s going on TLC - crazysexycool Sisqo - unleash the dragon 2cd special edition / return of dragon Dru Hill - D...


이런 상품은 어때요?

