HAMEG :HM6042 HZ820: Switching feature (DUT 1 and DUT 2) for rapid transistor 60만원 Q.ty:2set 010-9183-7471 Measurement Ranges 3 Voltage Ranges: Collector/Drain Voltages ≤ 2V, 10V, 40V ±5% 3 Current ranges: Collector/Drain Currents ≤ 2mA, 20mA, 200mA ±5% 3 Power Ranges: Output Power ≤ 0.04W, 0.4W, 4W ±10% Base-/Gate-Voltages and Currents: I b 1µA to 10mA Vb to 2V ±5% Vg to 10V ±5%