트와이스 굿즈 팝니다! Well come to ex twice fans shop,, 😢 1. 트와이스 미니 2집 page two (cheer up) (Twice 2nd mini album, "Page Two", and title is 'Cheer Up'!!) 민트색은 렌틸큘러 두 장 있습니다. (쯔위, 미나) - 7000 (Mint version has full sets and one more special cards)😲😲 핑크색 -7000 (Pink ver has full sets) 2. page two 모노그래프 - 50000 (its kind a making film of 'Page Two', and also has full sets) 3. 트와이스 미니 3집 twicecoaster (TT) (Twice 3rd mini album, "twicecoaster", and the title is 'TT') 주황 - 7000 (orange ver) 핑크 - 7000 (pink ver) 4. 트와이스 2017 시즌그리팅 - 5000 (twice season greeting 2017 ver. it has calender, and desk photo, etc, im sure you'll like it.) 상자 앞면에 빛바램으로 글씨가 없어 싼 가격에 내 놓습니다 (but in the front of the box, letters are erased by sunshine TT, so i down the coast.) 5. 트와이스 스프리스 (twice collabs with spris, shoes maker) 엽서 (postcards, all four pieces.) 총 4장 - 8000, 장당 (per 1 piece)- 2000 잡지 (magazine) - 3000 트와이스 가마로강정 2017 달력 (twice collabs with chicken, 2017 calender) - 6000 일괄 50000 (all) 😁😁