미개봉 새상품 현재 품절/절판되어 소장 가치 있는 상품입니다. 영화 위플래쉬 ost CD CU끼리택배(+1800), 일반 택배(+2900)로 배송 가능합니다. 수록곡 1-1. Snare Liftoff (I Want To Be One Of The Greats) 1-2. Overture 1-3. Too Hip To Retire 1-4. Whiplash 1-5. Fletcher s Song In Club 1-6. Caravan 1-7. What's Your Name (If You Want The Part, Earn It) 1-8. Practicing 1-9. Invited 1-10. Call From Dad 1-11. Accident 1-12. Hug From Dad 1-13. Drum & Drone 1-14. Carnegie 1-15. Ryan / Breakup 1-16. Drum Battle 1-17. Dismissed 1-18. Good Job (He Was A Beautiful Player) 1-19. Intoit 1-20. No Two Words 1-21. When I Wake 1-22. Casey s Song 1-23. Upswingin 1-24. First Nassau Band Rehearsal/Second Nassau Band Rehearsal/Studio Band Eavesdrop/Studio Band Rehearsal After Breakup 교환 환불 반품 불가
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