미개봉 새상품, 무료배송 6월 중 발매 예정입니다. 웡카 WONKA ost LP 브라운, 크림 컬러 LP 수록곡 디스크 1: 브라운 컬러 LP Side One Pure Imagination (Opening Tiles Version) A Hatful of Dreams Welcome to Scrubbit’s You've Never Had Chocolate Like This (Hoverchocs) Flying Chocolatiers Scrub Scrub Side Two Wonka's Case Sweet Tooth Willy and Noodle at the Zoo For a Moment The Letter 'A’ Clock Tower You've Never Had Chocolate Like This 디스크 2: 크림 컬러 LP Side Three Oompa Loompa A World of Your Own Sorry, Noodle Mamma’s Secret Pure Imagination (from "Wonka”) Oompa Loompa (Reprise) Side Four 500 Monks, 1 Giraffe Death by Chocolate The Oompa Loompa to the Rescue Noodle Gives Affable the Ledger Chocolate Fountain 교환 환불 반품 불가
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