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SHIBASOKU TG19CC 비디오, 영상 멀티테스트...

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  • 결제혜택
    • 하나카드 18개월 6% 특별 할부 수수료

    • KB국민카드 최대 10만원 청구할인

    • 하나카드 최대 10만원 즉시할인

    • 페이코 최대 3원 즉시할인

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상품 정보

SHIBASOKU TG19CC 비디오, 영상 멀티테스트 시그널제너레이터입니다. 성능,기능 정상(테스트 완료)/법정장비 우측 sound mod 노브 분실이나, 작동은 잘 됩니다.(드리이버등으로) --------------------------------->75만원 감사합니다. 010-2449-7899 Additional Features: Supports NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAL-M, PAL-N and NTSC-4.43MHz TV systems Outputs monoscope patterns (standard) and special patterns (optional) Supports sound multiplexing (for USA, Germany, UK, Scandinavia, France, China, Korea, and Japan) Supports teletext functions (TOP/FLOF/PDC/VPS/VBI) Supports aspect ratios of 4:3 and 16:9 Outputs: VBS, GBR, YUV, Y/C, and composite sync Video and Sound Input S-VHS connector HD and VD output connector In the NTSC system, setup level of composite output is selectable (0% or 7.5%) More than 20 types of test signals including color bar, multiburst, circle and crosshatch signals are generated Monoscope pattern signal is generated Aspect ratio, 4:3 or 16:9, can be switched at video signal output Interlace or non-interlace mode (262 lines/field or 312 lines/field) is ...

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