중고나라 검색페이지 이동 이미지

독일제 휴대용 금형열처리 로크웰브리넬 비커스경도계 측정...

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    • 페이코 최대 3천원 즉시할인

    • 하나카드 최대 10만원 즉시할인

    • KB국민카드 최대 10만원 청구할인

    • 하나카드 18개월 6% 특별 할부 수수료

    • KB국민카드 12개월 5% 특별 할부 수수료

    • 네이버페이 최대 1만원 즉시할인

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PCE-900 Portable metal hardness tester for metals(휴대용 리브 경도계) 9 materials pre-calibrated / Conversion into 6 different hardness scales / Type D impact probe The Leeb Portable Metal Hardness Tester PCE-900 measures the hardness of nine different metals using the Leeb rebound method. This means that with the hardness tester a firing pin bounces on a metallic surface and the intensity of the rebound is used as an indicator of the material hardness. The hardness tester PCE-900 measures the metal hardness in 6 different hardness scales, including: Rockwell, Vickers, Leeb, Brinell and Shore. A distinction is made between Rockwell B and C when measuring in the Rockwell scale. The Leeb hardness tester PCE-900 comes with a type D impact probe as standard. This probe can be used for many measurements. Via the optional software, the measured values can be transmitted live to the PC. This makes the PCE-900 Leeb hardness tester an important instrument in the field of material inspection in goods ...

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