Leybold & OMT Collaboration 라이볼트 와 오엠티 콜라보레이션 VOMT-S60m³(40) Leybold SV200 필터 사용 60루베 필터 사용 1000L/min This exhaust cartridge is very efficient in these conditions. - in continuous with flow rate (stabilized or changing) between 0 and 53 Nm3/h - ambient temperature between 0°C to 40°C. - temperature of the exhaust filters: 0°C to 110°C. - Pressure stabilized 300/400 mbar at 60 Hz with 53 Nm3/h and 220/320 mbar at 50 Hz with 53 Nm3/h 앵글타입 흡배기구 NW40 FULL SUS304 재질 수량 00개 45만원 부가세별도 엘라멘트 SV200 라이볼트 배기필터 EXHAUST Filter 16만원
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