직통열차 정가 13000(편도)권 >> 6000원 🚄 예약 QR전송해드림 날짜일시, 출발 도착 장소 알려주시면 예약 전송해드려요. 지방에서 서울역거처 ✈️ 인천공항 가실때 빠르고 편리하게 이용해보세요. ※ Cafe product posts are automatically exposed to the Joonggonara app/site. If you do not wish to be exposed, please contact the customer center. ※ If the registered post receives a report from a member or is monitored as an abnormal transaction, it may be collected/used in the Joonggonara fraud integrated search DB. ────────────────── 📢 If you write the title with "Manufacturer/Brand Name" and "Ticket Name (ex. Starbucks Americano Tall)", you can sell faster! 📢 If you set "Direct Transaction" and "My Location" as the delivery method when writing the post, you can sell faster! 👆 If you do not have enough posts to write today, try writing them on the app by clicking "Download Joonggonara App" at the top!
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