Ciro-flex Model F, Graflex Made in U.S.A Rochester,DE 1941년 “ciro-flex”Delaware OHIO소재의 유명한 TLR타입 카메라 메이커에서 생산한 고품질의 카메라.최종모델 F Type. 특히 Wollensak RAPTAR렌즈는 해상력과 선예도의 정평있는 렌즈. -Wollensak Raptar 83MM F3.2 -셧터 T.B.1.2.5….400 조리개 f3.2 ~22 *캡,스트랩,가죽케이스 포함 대형뷰카메라에 사용되는 정확한 Rapax Shutter. • Ciro-flex Model F — the highest-spec Ciro-flex, it included an f/3.2, four-element Wollensak Raptar 83mm lens and Rapax Full Synchromatic shutter. The top of the line, Ciro-Flex Model F with f3.2 83mm Raptar, a 4-element Tessar-type design, and fully synchronous Rapax shutter. No case. This Model F was made by Graflex in Rochester, NY (although it may have been made in Ohio after the acquisition, but before manufacturing was moved to NY). For a Model F made in Delaware OHIO before the Graflex acquisition. 가격:220,000(22만원)+택배 5,000 01041050551