※ Cafe product posts are automatically exposed to the second-hand country app/site. If you don't want to be exposed, please contact the customer center. ※ If the registered post is reported by a member or monitored as an abnormal transaction, it can be collected/used as a used country fraud integrated inquiry DB. ─────────────────── If you put "manufacturer/brand name" and "machine name (ex. electric driver)" in the title 📢, faster sales are possible! When writing a 📢 post, if you set “direct transaction” and “my location” in the delivery method, faster sales are possible! 👆 if there are not enough posts available today, please write them on the app through "Downloading Used Country Apps" at the top! 신일전자 SIF-24WHT 산업용 업소용 큰 선풍기 사용감 거의없고 상태 좋습니다. 안써서 보관만 하다 자리차지해서 판매합니다. 직거래만하고 지역은 분당입니다 010-3270-2207 연락주세요
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