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신품급 전류클램프 Fluke i1010 AC/DC cu...

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    • 하나카드 18개월 6% 특별 할부 수수료

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상품 정보

Fluke i1010 AC/DC current clamp 신품급 제품입니다. The Fluke i1010 AC/DC current clamp is a battery-powered Hall-effect probe that extend the current ranges of Fluke tools, measuring DC current from 1 A to 1000 A and AC current from 1 A to 600A. Provides accurate current reading without breaking the circuit. Compatible with most Fluke multimeters. CAT III 600 V safety rating 성능,기능 정상입니다.(테스트완료)---------->23만원 택배비 4천원 감사합니다. 010-2449-7899

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