중고나라 검색페이지 이동 이미지


  • 제품상태
  • 거래방식
  • 배송비
  • 안전거래
  • 거래희망지역
  • 결제혜택
    • 페이코 최대 3천원 즉시할인

    • 하나카드 최대 10만원 즉시할인

    • KB국민카드 최대 10만원 청구할인

    • 하나카드 18개월 6% 특별 할부 수수료

    • KB국민카드 12개월 5% 특별 할부 수수료

    • 네이버페이 최대 1만원 즉시할인

새 상품은 어떠세요?


상품 정보

High Performance and Advanced Features ▪ Default walking speed: 24.0 cm/sec (9.44 in/sec) 0.25 sec/step - user modifiable gait ▪ Default standing up time from ground: 2.8 sec (from facing down) and 3.9 sec (from facing up) - user modifiable speed ▪ Built-in PC: 1.6 GHz Intel Atom Z530 on-board 4GB flash SSD ▪ Management controller (CM-730): ARM CortexM3 STM32F103RE 72MHz ▪ 20 actuator modules (6 DOF leg x2+ 3 DOF arm x2 + 2 DOF neck) ▪ Actuators with durable metallic gears (DYNAMIXEL MX-28) ▪ Self-maintenance kit (easy to follow steps and instructions) ▪ Standby mode for low power consumption ▪ 3Mbps high-speed Dynamixel bus for joint control ▪ Battery (30 minutes of operations), charger, and external power adapter (Battery can be removed from robot without shutting down by plugging in external power before removal) ▪ Versatile functionality (can accept legacy, current, and future peripherals) ▪ 3-axis gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, button x3, detection microphone x2 >> For up-to-date in


이런 상품은 어때요?

