1. Chroma 19073 AC/DC 내전압시험기, 절연저항계입니다. 성능,기능 정상(테스트완료!) ----------------------------->125만원 19073 Hipot Tester (AC/DC/IR) - Sentry 30 Plus AC/DC/IR 3 in 1 hipot tester AC 5kV and DC 6kV output 1kV insulation resistance test Insulation resistance measurement from 1MOhm to 50GOhm Ground continuity check Open Short Check(OSC) function GFI shutdown the instrument when imbalance current > 0.5mA Flashover (ARC) detection 2. Chroma 19073 AC/DC 내전압시험기, 절연저항계입니다. 성능,기능 정상(테스트완료!) ----------------------------->140만원 19073 Hipot Tester (AC/DC/IR) - Sentry 30 Plus AC/DC/IR 3 in 1 hipot tester AC 5kV and DC 6kV output 1kV insulation resistance test Insulation resistance measurement from 1MOhm to 50GOhm Ground continuity check Open Short Check(OSC) function GFI shutdown the instrument when imbalance current > 0.5mA Flashover (ARC) detection 감사합니다. 010-2449-7899
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