중고나라 검색페이지 이동 이미지

갤럭시탭 A6 (smp580) 태블릿 택포55000원

  • 제품상태
  • 거래방식
  • 배송비
  • 안전거래
  • 결제혜택
    • 페이코 최대 3천원 즉시할인

    • 하나카드 최대 10만원 즉시할인

    • KB국민카드 최대 10만원 청구할인

    • 하나카드 18개월 6% 특별 할부 수수료

    • KB국민카드 12개월 5% 특별 할부 수수료

    • 네이버페이 최대 1만원 즉시할인

새 상품은 어떠세요?


상품 정보

※ Cafe product posts are automatically exposed to the second-hand country app/site. If you don't want to be exposed, please contact the customer center. ※ If the registered post is reported by a member or monitored as an abnormal transaction, it can be collected/used as a used country fraud integrated inquiry DB. ※ If you register an external link (other platform address, Kakao open chat address, etc.) in the post, you can delete the post and restrict service activities. 👆 if you don't have enough posts to write today, write them on the app through "Downloading Used Country Apps" at the top! If you put "manufacturer/brand name" and "product name (ex. Galaxy S11)" in the title of 📢, faster sales are possible! When writing a 📢 post, if you set “direct transaction” and “my location” in the delivery method, faster sales are possible! Be careful of phishing sites impersonating the management of Junggonara aimed at 🚨 members' transaction posts🚨 The child left it on his desk only...

이런 상품은 어때요?

