Yokogawa DL708E Scope Corder - Display: 10.4-inch TFT color LCD - Screen size: 211.2 mm (W) u 158.4 mm (L) - Total number of pixels: 640 u 480 - Ambient temperature: 23 ±5°C - Ambient humidity: 55 ±10% RH - Storage temperature range: ?20 to 60°C - Storage humidity range: 20 to 85% RH (no condensation) - Operating temperature range: 5 to 40°C - Operating humidity range: 20 to 85% RH when not using printer 35 to 85% RH when using printer - Rated supply voltage: 100 to 120 V AC Automatic switching between 100 to 120 V - Rated supply frequency: 50/60 Hz - 장착모듈: 701855 x 6 701852 x 2
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