중고나라 검색페이지 이동 이미지

apple iMac 27" 5k late 2015

  • 제품상태
  • 거래방식
  • 배송비
  • 안전거래
  • 거래희망지역
  • 결제혜택
    • 하나카드 18개월 6% 특별 할부 수수료

    • 카드결제 최대 10만원 즉시할인

새 상품은 어떠세요?


상품 정보

I bought it in February 2016, but never used it so much, only for YouTube surfing and movies. I wanted to retouch my photos, but I don't have time for photography now. That's why I decided to sell it. I bought it for 3mln, I bought Magic Trackpad 2 too. Price negotiable. You can check it before purchasing. Maybe I can help you with delivery too. No shipping. Meet in person. Thanks.


이런 상품은 어때요?

